
Showing posts from October, 2018

Over The Air Firmware updates

Updating ESP8266 firmware over WiFi is the coolest thing *ever*.  I recently got it working on an ESP-01S board, and it was a breeze.  There is 1M of flash memory on my ESP-01S, and that might be important.  We need at least twice the sketch size space in order for the code to work.  There is something very satisfying about sending a program off over the home WiFi to an ESP8266 board stashed in another room!

The IR-egg: Voice-controlled ESP8266 I2S IR transmission!

I recently posted on ESP8266: Minimum I2S code required for use I2S to accurately control output to a GPIO pin.  I also previously used a UART hack to use serial output to control an IR led .  This approach was a bit hacky though, requiring a few transmissions of the UART IR signal to get proper reception.  I thought that using the I2S protocol would be a really simple way of implementing an accurate IR signal transmission, modulated at 38 kHz.