
Showing posts from January, 2017

Stuck in Atmega328 reset loop?

Kill switch killing... but stuck in reset loop I wanted to add a kill switch to my quadcopter project so that in the case of crash/emergency, a button might be pushed on the radio controller, the quadcopter motors stopped and the flight controller chip is reset.  A good way of resetting an AVR is to invoke the watchdog timer and put the chip into an infinite loop - the watchdog times out and the chip is reset.  This is fairly straightforward when the kill/reset signal is received: #include <avr/wdt.h> void kill_drone(void) { USART_Pputstring(PSTR("Kill drone!\n")); wdt_reset(); wdt_enable(WDTO_15MS); while(1){}; } where the two watchdog handling functions are defined in avr/wdt.h. The AVR is reset, but keeps on reseting, initialising and resetting in an infinite loop... Watchdog Groundhog day! It turns out that the watchdog register settings are enabled, even after a reset !  To get around this, the watchdog must be turned off at the earlie