
Showing posts from June, 2019

Arduino and Raspberry Pi serial communciation

Want to hook up your Arduino to your Raspberry Pi and send data between the two?  Read on! So you have your Arduino robot, or weather station and you want to send data back and forth with a Raspberry Pi?  The hardware hookup is really easy, but we have to configure a few things on the Pi. Hardware connections We'll use the serial UART pins on the Raspberry Pi Zero GPIO for this example, and transfer data from an Arduino to a Raspberry Pi zero, though all Raspberry Pis and Arduinos are capable of this feat.  The UART is a common serial communication protocol comprised of two pins labelled, RX (receive data pin) and "TX" (transmit data pin).  Wiring is easy - hook up the desired RX pin on the Arduino to the Raspberry Pi TX pin, and the Arduino TX to the Raspberry Pi RX pin.  As always, make sure you connect the ground line  between the Arduino and the Raspberry Pi.  If the particular Arduino model you are using is powered by 5V (find out by measuring the voltage on the

PS2 controller as a radio controller!

Turning a PS2 controller into a wireless radio controller with Arduino Mini and an nRF24l01 radio module I have previously described a project to transmit PS2 controller signals by radio .  The project featured an Arduino Nano that read the PS2 signals and transmitted them with an nRF24l01 module.  Recently I have been inspired to incorporate the battery, charging circuit and Arduino right into the controller - heavily inspired by this project here: